
Sunday, November 5, 2017

NTSE SAT Science Quiz-2

Q1: Chlorophyll is present in which of the following organism?
(a) Bacteria
(b) Protozoa
(c) Fungi

(d) Algae

Q2: Constituents of cell membrane is/are:
(a) Phosphate Proteins
(b) Amino Acids
(c) Phospho-lipid Proteins
(d) Cellulose

Q3(Bihar SAT1):  The term vaccine is introduce by which scientist?
(a) Charles Darwin
(b) Edward Jenner
(c) Alexander Flemming
(d) Robert Hooke

Q4 (NTSE 2010): Which of the following is an example of a single cell that does not function as a full fledged organism?

(I) White blood cell (WBC)
(II) Amoeba
(III) WBC and Amoeba
(IV) Paramecium

(a). II only
(b). II and IV
(c). I only
(d). III and IV

Q5: Primary building blocks of a DNA molecule are:
(a) nitrogenous bases, phosphates, and ribose macromolecules
(b) nitrogenous bases, phosphates, and deoxyribose macromolecules
(c) phosphorous bases, nitrogen, and ribose macromolecules.
(d) None of these

Q6(Maharashtra SAT1): _____ energy is converted into chemical energy with the help of chlorophyll.
(a) Light
(b) Potential
(c) Kinetic
(d) Electric

Q7(UP NTSE Stage-1): Which of the following statement is wrong?
(a) Oxygen is called vital air (Pranwayu)
(b) Herbivorous depends on plants for food.
(c) Amoeba is a multi-cellular animal
(d) Stomach is a digestive organ.

Q8: Which of the following is responsible for movement of water and dissolved nutrients from the roots upward in the plant.
(a) apical meristem
(b) phloem
(c) xylem
(d) vascular cambium

Q9: Which vitamin deficiency causes cracking of lips at the corners of a human patient?
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B-2
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin D

Q10: The breeding, hatching and rearing of fish is called (a) Apiculture
(b) Pisciculture
(c) Sericulture
(d) Agriculture

Q11 (2010 Stage2)Weeds not only use nutrients from the soil but are alsoI. harmful for some organisms including human beings
II. useful for the crops and harmful for human beings
III. harmful to the crops and some animals
IV. crop specific

Select the alternative which includes all correct statements.
(a) I, III and IV
(b) II, III and IV
(c)  I, II and III
(d)  I, II and IV

Q12: We obtain ___________ from  jute, hemp and cotton.(a) Medicine
(b) Food grain
(c) Fibre
(d) Colour

Q13: The photosynthetic symbiont of a lichen is
(a) legumes
(b) moss.
(c) green algae
(d) cyano bacteria

Q14: Protein catalysts of chemical reactions in biological organ systems are called
(a) Enzymes
(b) Hormones
(c) connective fluids
(d) Vitamins

Q15: Pigment present in red blood corpuscle
(a) Haemoglobin
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) Xanthophyll
(d) Porphyrin

1.   (d) Algae

2.   (c) Phospho-lipid Proteins
3.   (b) nitrogenous bases, phosphates, and deoxyribose macromolecules
4.   (b) Edward Jenner
5.   (c) I only
6.   (a) Light
7.   (c) Amoeba is a multi-cellular animal
8.   (c) xylem
9.   (b) Vitamin B-2
10. (b) Pisciculture
11.  (a) I, III and IV
12.  (c) Fibre
13.  (c) green algae  (Hint: Note the word photosynthetic symbiont).
14.  (a) Enzymes
15.  (a) Haemoglobin

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